Monday, March 26, 2012


I had my yearly Girl's Getaway weekend in Gruene, Tx.  Something about being in the Tx Hill Country really sets my soul at ease.  My Sister in Law (we hate the in law part - makes it seem like we don't like each other so we both decided to just say sister!) and I got there Friday afternoon - it was the most relaxed the both of us have been in a while. We had no where to be, no one to please - just her and I!  It is rare I get to have a dinner outside (with a beautiful scenery) and sit for over an hour without any distractions. The other girls came up on Saturday and then the rest was full of memories to last a lifetime!

 The daily life of a Mom, wife, employee, friend, daughter, niece the list can keep going but you always stretch yourself so thin so for me this trip was more than just a weekend getaway - it was a time for me to get recharged!  I never thought about my life needing to be recharged like a battery - but it does - I always said Mommy time is good for everyone involved, but this time it was different.  It might be the fact my kids are getting older, my job is getting more tiresome, my life is getting more hectic - not that I am unhappy at all - My Blessings are overflowing! I just needed some time to just be me and not worry about anything or anyone - I gues just be selfish!  By me being selfish this weekend gave me a chance to let laughter, shopping, live music, cold beer, hill country view, and good friends made my battery get back to 100%!

 All of the girls enjoying Gruene hall
Tiffany & I - the best Sister (drop the in-law part) I could ask for!

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Fairy Dust with a pinch of mommy guilt!

Paige is my dental/medical child!  She has had more work done in her short almost 6 years than I have in 33 years!  She has had: tonsils removed, adenoids removed, sealants on all back teeth, cap on one tooth, fillings on others so needless to say - she is no first timer when it comes to having something done!  But, I am determined that she will have that perfect set of teeth!  So last week she had a tooth (that was capped!) extracted, b/c it was dead.  She also had a frenectomy: removal of tissue between her top two front teeth - yeah not fun!  However she did great - which is no surprise to me! Of course we did the tooth under the pillow and of course the tooth fairy visited!  however, I fell on my Mommy duties and I did nothing fancy just 4 quarters under the pillow.  Of course that dang ole pinterest got me feeling guilty on what I could have done to make the loosing of the tooth a little more special!  Not that we Mom's don't have enough guilt to live with in what we "think" we should be doing as a Mom - well Super Mom really!  But I got my come back... 

When we went to the dentist for her follow up - the dentist noticed how loose her bottom two teeth were - they tried to get her to pull them - but she was so afraid to pull them.  Which low and behold - MY FAULT! I told her a while back to not just make teeth loose and try to pull them out. If she pulled a tooth out that wasn't ready the tooth fairy would not come!  At least I know she listens to what I say: of course never go clean room, pick up your shoes, put your hair bows up, etc - selective hearing starts so early!  However, the dentist offered to do it for her - well of course she let them - b/c that means the tooth fairy gets to come to the house!  So my thinking cap was on - what could I do... well I thought lets add fairy dust - but I didn't want glitter all over her bed and on my floor - so that glitter glue I LOVE so much (you know b/c it is on my kitchen table, on her carpet, washable - umm NO) - I thought it will work perfect to put on the money!  After searching through her million colors, markers and glue sticks a little bottle of just enough blue glitter (our tooth fairy is a boy by the way- their Uncle Drew told them he is 7 foot tall with 2 inch wings so he doesn't make any noise).  I slapped some of that glitter on the dollar bills and placed under her pillow!  I didn't get to see her face the next morning, but she called me and was so excited and couldn't wait to tell everyone she had her own fairy dust!  So take that pinterest!!!!  Mommy wins this one...