Sunday, September 21, 2014

Can I pray for me...????

As we sat in church this morning I prayed for my kids, my husband, my family, friends, my usual prayers. However the second I was done praying I snapped at my kids.  As I was praying I was being tapped, pulled, with all of a sudden "I have to get water I need to use the bathroom".  It's not like we live far from the church, but the second we walk in its like every bodily function stops!  I honestly thinks it's their way of not having to sit for an entire hour, but I guess I'll take them sitting there for 45 minutes over not... I even joked with the couple behind me, please pray for me. Silently I was calming myself down from having a breakdown on my kids!!! 

I started to think during mass, am I praying for the right things?  I never stop and pray for me... But I feel selfish for praying for me... I shouldn't be taking up Gods time with me, there are far more important things to pray for then me... My kids, my husband, my friends, etc they need my prayers more... Right????....

But in all honesty no one knows me or my heart and soul better than Jesus.  He already knows my fears, faults, blemishes, and shortcomings (snapping at my kids this morning comes to mind) yet He still chooses to love and accept ME for ME.  So how can I not pray for myself, I need Him to guide me, listen to me and show me how or be a better person. I need Him to show me how to be closer to him, I need Him for my walk in this life.  All of this is going through my mind at mass this morning.  During  the homily, our Priest talks about jealousy, fairness, being thankful for your own blessings.  I realized I can't get through this life without praying for myself, I need Him to help me not be envious of others, to be humble, thankful and appreciative of the blessings I have. I realized I am important enough, He created me and He doesn't create anything that isn't worth praying for. And that includes me too.  

Without praying for myself, how can I be strong enough to pray for others, guide my kids to follow His word, be a good faith filled wife to my husband, help others, & pray for others. Without making sure I'm solid in my faith, then how can I help others? The only way I'm solid is through prayer with Jesus. I encourage each of you to take a moment and pray for yourself!  Just like me YOU are worth it too!!!!

Keep smiling and keep praying, I know I will (and even say a prayer for myself!) 

Philippians 4:6 Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Mom for YOUR family is the best kind....

Lately I have been seeing, reading, hearing about life of a stay at home Mom vs working Moms.  First this is NOT a post that says one is better than the other!  When I created the blog years ago it was a way to put my thoughts, feelings, memories etc so one day the twins could read about it.  With that being said, I want Trayce and Paige to know that although I wasn't the stay at home Mom I was a Mom who still loved them and didn't choose a career over her kids...I just chose what worked for our family!  Isn't that what we all do for our families???....

When we got pregnant and even found out we were having twins it was never in my mind to be a stay at home Mom - I always knew I wanted to work.  Does that make me a "bad Mom" or a someone who doesn't love as much?  Some said to me (yes they really did say this!) - "Don't you love your kids enough to stay at home with them", "You are working to just pay daycare "," you must not be the baby/kid type", "You're just a secretary - why work"... and really the list could go on what I have been told over the years.   But, if I could go back and change if I worked or not - I would have done it all over again.  I have enjoyed working.  I like the idea of having a career life plus a family life and having to balance it.  Which sometimes I balance it better then others - but it is still a balancing act.  I do know I could not have it "all" without Eric - he is the boat in our marriage that keeps us a float and with God as our Anchor we are sure to keep going strong!

Some say that working Moms get a break from being a Mom, but I don't know about you but being a Mom doesn't stop once you drop your kids off at the sitter, daycare, school etc.  Some say our priorities aren't in the right order for our kids - but in all honesty who says your priorities are the same as mine???  I may not be at home with them 24/7, but I do know that my love is there 24/7.
I think we can look at all the choices you make with raising kids - we all do it different!  Having kids isn't a cookie cutter situation - it's a lets take what we got and make it work kind of deal!  Some breast feed, some use formula.  I tried to breast feed - it lasted for 10 days (then I heard from men and women - you just aren't trying hard enough, you didn't give it long enough...again another list I could go on about).  News alert... that was the worst 10 days of my life!!!  There was no bonding, not a special time, I would "feel the connection" etc blah blah blah stuff I was told by the lactation nurse!!!  Paige literally made me cry each time - I haven't had a mammogram yet, but I can imagine that is what it was like!  They were on a strict schedule so guess what - they feed at the same time - yep I was holding two footballs and leaning back praying they would hurry up!  Needless to say 10 days was AWESOME for me to last that long!!!!  Okay - back to the list of comparisons! Store bought baby food, your own home made baby food.  Again I tried the make our own baby food - there is a reason Gerber has been around forEVER!!!!  cry it out, cosleeping, pacifier, glass bottles, etc... the list really can go on and on.  But at the end of the day - we are ALL Moms and we love our kids in our own way.  We do what we need to do for OUR families!  When younger moms ask me questions on what to do or how to do it - I always share my experience but I always  elaborate on "do what works for YOU and your baby!!!"  Just because it works for one doesn't mean it works for all!  I strongly believe we should be a MOM for our own family and not try to be like anyone else, just bc one Mom does it one way doesn't make you or me a bad Mom bc we do it differently. I chose to be the Mom of our family and what works for our family is the best kind of Mom for our family.

Life is hard, life goes by quickly, I am sure I am guilty of it giving advice when I shouldn't, but if we all tried to motivate, strengthen, and encourage eachother especially MOMS we may get through this life alot easier and even with a little less guilt!  In 1 Thessalonians 5:11 it tells us  "Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing."

At some point today - build someone up, encourage them - you never know what they are feeling, what guilt, what is weighing on their hearts today - but by you saying good job Mom - regardless if you are a working mom or stay at home mom - we all need a little bit of encouragement!

Keep smiling and keep praying - I know I am!!!!

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Homemade Memories

Well we celebrated another year of the twins life on March 28th!  I really can't believe they are 8 - I mean really when did that happen!!!  Usually I am the lets start planning in January for their party, I spend hours thinking of the perfect theme, colors, food, cake design, invites and what Paige will wear!  This year was a little different... I don't know if it's bc I am getting older of it it's them getting older.  Neither could decide what they wanted to do - one big party, two small parties, sleepover, movies, bowling, Seaworld - even Disney - yeah they reach for the stars :).  I have taught them it never hurts to ask! Paige wanted one friend and have a girls day, Trayce wanted a big party and invite everyone we knew! I told them they had to decide what they wanted and they must come to an agreement.  So for about a week, they went back and forth on what to do - finally they compromised!  I still haven't decided if they pulled a fast one on me... 

We had an evening with one friend each for a sleepover then the next day had a game of bowling and a movie.  Which ended up be fantastic - we did hotdogs, made smores, and Eric and I even played hide and seek in the dark with them - it was a great night!  Then 2 weeks later we had a family party - this was alot fun and special for them to have all their family celebrating with them - it's not all the time we get all of our family together.  However for this party - I didn't stress, I sent email invites out and even used a picture of them from Christmas, I bought what was on sale at Card and Party Factory for the napkins and plates, I didn't spend $100 on cakes - I made a Buttermilk pie for Trayce (per his request) and bought a $9.99 kroger strawberry cake for Paige. These kids had the best time!  They smiled from ear to ear the entire time.  I even enjoyed the party - I wasn't stressed out - I actually visited with everyone!  Not that I don't love throwing the best themed parties - but it was nice to just have a simple homemade party!  Sometimes the best parties are the ones that you don't spend alot of money on but you spend alot of time with the people there.  I have learned alot in the past 8 years - it's not what money can buy that makes us happy its the time and memories we make while just being together!  I can't recall the last party I hosted where I just enjoyed and took in each moment.  I am vowing to do that more often - it's good for all of us.

So keep on smiling and keep on praying - and go have a homemade kind of party!

And aren't these the most precious 8 year olds ever!!! I know I am a little biased!