Friday, February 8, 2013

My Love Always...

Tonight (or morning really - Paige had a nightmare, so I am wide awake) I am blogging about my husband - I know I said I would do this blog so my kids can look back on this one day and see how much I really did love them and I wasn't just always telling them to brush their teeth, eat all their vegetables etc... But, I think they also need to know how much their Daddy means to me.  As the kids are getting older they are realizing Mommy and Daddy's don't stay together forever.  I sheltered them as long as I could about the word "divorce" but it's apart of life, so of course we had to explain it (better hearing it from us then other people).  They question me every so often "Mom you and Dad aren't going to break up right.." of course I assure them all the time that when we decided to get married breaking up was not an option.  Trayce even told me "Mom I never want another Mommy :)"  I assured him that would NEVER happen.  Trayce is my thinker - he asked me one afternoon on our way to basketball - "Mom does God live in your brain too?  I told him God is with all the time in your heart and mind - that he is everywhere.  I asked him why.. he says well I just want to know will God just tell my brain who I am to marry b/c you said you just know (you know like when you and daddy meet) and that I have to pray about it"  After I composed myself and thought how can a 6 year old little boy think this deeply, I told him as long as he prays about it God will take care of the rest!  So in light of them learning about this - I think it will be good to know that their Mommy and Daddy really love each other and know how much their Daddy means to me.

I always knew Eric was the one for me - from the first date we had when I was only 17, I just knew he was the one.  I prayed as a teenager God would bring someone in my life that would love me unconditionally and love me for me - not someone they wanted me to be.  Eric was that one.  Now, I am not saying that we did not put each other through pure hell sometimes, but in the end all the heartache we endured was worth it - I really wouldn't change one thing about our past!  It made our love stronger and more deserving due to all the heartache.

In the past year we have become ALOT more busy in life.  I knew the days were gonna come when we would feel like we were passing each other in the hallway and those days are here.  But, even though we may not have our usual front porch talks as often or get our date nights like we want - I do still know our love is strong and we will conquer this crazy life we have.

Today he called me and asked me to play hooky so we could go sand bass fishing - of course I couldn't b/c of work, but the fact he asked me gave me butterflies.  Even though I couldn't go, at least he still asked and wanted me to be the one to spend an afternoon on the riverbank catching sand bass instead of one of his buddies!  I don't tell him as often as I should - but thank you honey for still being my saving grace and for still asking me to be your fishing partner and I promise I always will be. SO here is to many more crazy days with our beautiful kids and here's to us still asking each other to spend time together - my promise to you is I will never stop asking as long as you don't either!  I Love You Eric Christopher~!

As Always...Keep Smiling and Keep Praying... I know I am!!!!